Water Resource & Protection

Land Stewardship is Fundamental to Operations

Improving Water Management

Purpose and Progress

The Company dedicates teams to water management issues, with expertise in hydrogeology, surface water aquatics, hydrology, water treatment and drilling waste management.

Husky continues to improve its ability to track water metrics across the company using its Environmental Performance Reporting System. It also participates in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Water Module, an international forum which measures, discloses, manages and shares environmental information.

Providing this information helps drive better measurement and transparency of water issues. Last year was the third year Husky has provided information to the CDP Water Module.

Water Use

Husky continues to seek ways to conserve and recycle water, including looking at alternative water sources, recycling produced water and the use of alkali surfactant polymer (ASP) to increase water efficiency.

Water Withdrawals

Water withdrawals are for industrial use, excluding construction, drilling and completion purposes. Fresh water is defined as having a total dissolved solids concentration of less than 4,000 mg/L. The increase in non-saline water withdrawal in 2012 is attributed primarily to new thermal projects in Saskatchewan. The reduction in offshore saline withdrawal is attributed to the planned SeaRose maintenance offstation.